Daily Archives: 11 May 2006

Bible Study for the Day: Deuteronomy 31

How amazing is God’s love for us that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us? [ Romans 5:8] He demonstrated that same love for the Israelites as they prepared to cross over into the land promised to their forefathers, knowing full well that they would eventually rebel against his commands and fall away. Continue reading

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Science and Technology Special Report: How Technology Can Win the War on Terror

In past posts, I have been sometimes extremely critical of the pace of transformation within the US Military, and have, in several cases, suggested the possibility that part of the current situation in places like Iraq can be traced and attributed to a failure on the part of the military to effectively train, organize, and equip itself to fight the war it is currently fighting. This post seeks to continue that conversation and lay out further evidence for the effective transformation of the US Military. Continue reading

Posted in Military, Science and Technology | 3 Comments