Bible Study for the Day: 1 Peter 2:4-17


1 Peter 2:4-17

     Priests are a special brand of people, consecrated by God and acknowledged by men as special intercessors between God and men. In Christ, we are all made priests in the eternal Kingdom of God through His sacrifice. Through Jesus, each one of us has entered into the holiest place and have partaken in the body and blood of that sacrifice by which all men are redeemed through faith.

     Because we have been made priests by our faith, we should therefore live like priests, avoiding the stain of sin, the world, and the devil, and always working toward God’s holiness, not because we believe that such work saves us but because we believe that such work acts as an example of our faith and for the Gospel.

     It is through that example that we have the greatest opportunity to testify to what we know through faith. When non-Christians see how we live- that is that we are different from the rest of the world- then they cannot help but wonder why it is that we act in such a way. It is then that the Gospel can be preached in its purity and truth by the priests that God has ordained for His Kingdom, that is all those who believe in Him.


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