20070223 Worldview Web Roundup

The Worldview Web Roundup is a collection of links to the news, commentary, and information I found interesting or useful over the past week or so. If you want to read more of what is found in this post, find links to my favorite news, commentary, and information sites at Dennis L Hitzeman’s News Reading List.



Domestic TerrorismJihad Watch

In case anyone has not been paying attention, domestic terrorism of the fundamentalist Islam variety has been going on in the US since 9-11. Granted, it has not been al Qaeda mass terrorism, but terrorism is terrorism, whatever the media wants to call it.

And Domestic TerroristsJihad Watch



Preparedness has become a recent area of interest to me after the experience I had last summer being in St Louis during the thunderstorms and tornadoes they had there that left some people without power for as long as a week. Being prepared for unforeseen events is not hard and allows individuals to reduce their reliance on emergency services in times of disaster, allowing those services to concentrate on the areas of most need.

Telling Words From Someone Who Knows What’s Going OnMichael Yon Online

This post is actually an open letter by Command Sergeant Major James Pippin, currently stationed in Mosul, Iraq. I doubt that posting a link to this article here will change many minds, but CSM Pippin points out exactly why ‘staying the course’ is the only option in Iraq.

War is never popular, and it never should be, but the war in Iraq is a war to change the world in a way more fundamental that has been done since World War 2. This change will happen whether we succeed or fail, but the choice as the nature of the change is ours.

Keep in mind that the tired example of Vietnam does have some value to us in its comparison to Iraq. Our failure there helped ensure that we had to endure the Cold War for sixteen more years.


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1 Response to 20070223 Worldview Web Roundup

  1. chrispy85 says:

    Great links, especially Michael Yon’s piece.

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