The new joins the old

Worldview Item of the Day

So what happens when the new media becomes like the old media? Well, this Orwellian question seems to have become especially relevant in recent days since Matt Drudge decided to leak Prince Harry’s presence in Afghanistan to the entire world. As a result, for the safety of his unit and the Prince, he is being forced to return to Britain.

I have come to have a lot of respect for Prince Harry, whose persistence in wanting to earn his uniform paid off. The man has earned his place and more.

Drudge, on the other hand, has revealed himself to be the Mainstream Media in a new format, complete with disregard for the moral implications the release of information might have. What relevance does he continue to have to reforming the way people receive information if he violates the basic tenet that the media cannot place itself above the moral responsibility that comes with reporting the news?

I hope that Prince Harry gets the chance to return to service with his unit in the field if he so desires. He has earned that right and deserves that chance. Drudge, on the other hand, deserves to be ridiculed just as surely as anyone else in the MSM.


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