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Tag Archives: Politics
Industrialized society
There is a YouTube video making the rounds on the internet right now of a whiteboard animation of part of a speech on the state of American public education by Sir Ken Robinson: One of the amazing points Robinson makes … Continue reading
Participate page updated
I added some significant updates to the Participate page linked in the menu bar above. If you think of things that you think should be added to that page, please contact me. DLH
Posted in 00 Blog Maintenence, Elections, Government, Politics, Voting
Tagged Elections, participate, Politics, Updates, Voting
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Did the Democrats see their own shadows?
What’s up with the once mighty party of Obama, Pelosi, and Reid? Did the election of one Republican to a traditionally Democrat seat unsettle them that much? Seriously, Democrats seem to be jumping like rats off a sinking ship, with … Continue reading
While it is impossible for humans to predict the future, it is possible to look at the trends of the past year and guess where things might head in the coming year. Here are several of my guesses for 2010:
Posted in Afghanistan, al Qaeda, Current Operations, Economy, Elections, Faith, Government, Groups, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Japan, Military, Nations, North Korea, Nuclear power, Pakistan, Physics, Politics, Science and Technology, Society, Sports, Taliban, United States, Venezuela, War on Terror, World Watch
Tagged 2010, Afghanistan, Economy, Faith, guesses, Iran, Pakistan, Politics, Predictions, the end
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Tea, taxes, and representation
Worldview Thought of the Day
I have believed for a long time that April 15th of each year should be a national day of mourning because it is the day we allow our government to officially rob us to support a system most of us disagree with. Perhaps a more appropriate day for such mourning might be the the Tuesday after the first Monday of November, when most American voters continue to elect the same thieves into office year after year.
This year, on April 15th, Americans around the country will gather at “Tea Parties” in symbolic protest of this theft. While I will always applaud any Americans who use their Constitutional right to dissent, I shake my head at the fact that they are protesting the wrong thing. In my view, these Americans should protest themselves at these Tea Parties because it is their continued apathy and reliance on the political oligarchy that led to this theft to begin with. Continue reading
Posted in Elections, Government, History, News, Society, Spending, Taxes, Worldview Item of the Day
Tagged Elections, Politics, Tea Party, Theft, Voting
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