There is no such thing as “good enough”

One of the things more likely to break my heart than anything else is hearing someone say they don’t do something because they’re “not good enough”. I hear this more often about the arts than any other thing, but the sentiment applies to almost anything.

I’m here to tell you there is no such thing as, “good enough”. In fact, there is simply a continuum of skill between none developed yet and as much as one is ever likely to develop. Yes, some people have more natural talent that may put them further along this continuum than others or make it easier for them to develop, but talent undeveloped is no better than skill undeveloped.

The simple fact is that you should do something because you have it in your heart to try. No, I am no pandering to some kind of “pursue your dreams” mentality. Yes, the bills still need paid. Yes, our obligations still need met. Nevertheless, you should still try because it suits you.

I would argue that the only thing “not good enough” is not trying. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks. It doesn’t matter how “good” anyone else is. If you love it and it completes you, do it.

That, my friend, is good enough.