Walking along the narrow road: Pondering what’s next

I established this blog with the intent of it being many things. Along the way, I’ve doubted every one of those things and, as a result, have not moved forward on any of them.

I return to ponder what I meant and mean to do and come to this conclusion: I am a faithful layman eagerly walking my path to higher things. I don’t speak with the authority of a pastor. I am not an expert. That, however, does not mean I don’t have thoughts I wish to share.

My hope moving forward is to cast what I write here in that light: an individual Christian’s journey toward heaven. I want to share what I experience so that, perhaps, others can be encouraged by it or, if need be, encourage or correct me where I am going wrong.

The goal is heaven, and we are all part of the same body. I am a writer, and I believe writing can be my contribution to the whole. God grant me the wisdom to do exactly that.



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