Writing: NaNoWriMo preview 2011

Ok, kids, I have an idea.

Unlike a last year, I am completely unprepared to write for NaNoWriMo this year despite the fact that I have committed to writing this year as well. The fact that I haven’t been writing at anything near that kind of volume since last year compounds the problem.

So, my plan now is to write eight approximately 1667 word sketches over the next eight days (starting tomorrow) in an effort to get my writing gears in motion, and to hold me to this attempt and, perhaps, to inspire others, I will post the results of these sketches UNEDITED on this weblog under the title NaNoWriPreVu 2011 as soon as they are finished every day.

That way, you can read them. Maybe they’ll inspire you. Maybe they’ll annoy you. Maybe they’ll offend you. Maybe you’ll think, “Man, this guy sucks. I could write better stuff than that.”

And maybe, just maybe, you’ll try to prove you can. If you do, in a way, I have succeeded better than if what I wrote got published.

Are you in?


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