Monthly Archives: November 2006

20061128 Light at the End of the Tunnel

For those of you who may be wondering, my weblog has been languishing becuase I have been working full-time (not writing) since the beginning of June, however that condition will soon end, and the veritable torrent of my web postings will soon resume. Continue reading

Posted in 00 Blog Maintenence | 1 Comment

20061120 If Not the Draft, Then What?

While I completely disagree with Representative Charlie Rangel’s call to reinstate the draft because of the obvious political and ideological reasons that motivated such a call, I cannot disagree that the United States would not benefit from a program to encourage Americans to serve their country and thereby gain a greater sense of what their nation is all about. Service to one’s nation is the greatest mark of citizenship as it gives the one who serves a sense of ownership in that nation. Continue reading

Posted in Education, Government, Military, Nations, Politics, United States, World Watch | 1 Comment

20061119 Representative Charlie Rangel Is an Idiot

I have no love for Charlie Rangel. In fact, I believe that the man is a power hungry bigot, and now I also believe, based on his recent assertion that the solution to the problems with Iraq, Iran, and North Korea is to reinstate the draft, that he is also an idiot. Continue reading

Posted in Government, Military, Nations, News, Politics, United States, World Watch | 4 Comments

20061114 I Told You So

I told you so. Ok, some of you will agree with the point I am about to make, but for the rest, ‘I told you so.’ Good, now that is out of the way. Continue reading

Posted in Afghanistan, Entities, Focus, fundamentalist Islam, Government, Iraq, Islam, Nations, News, Politics, United States, War on Terror, World Watch | Leave a comment

20061109 The Aftermath Part II

Who really thinks the situation in Iraq will change because the Democrats are in power? I do, but not for the better. Continue reading

Posted in Economy, Education, Elections, Government, History, Nations, News, Politics, United States, War on Terror, World Watch | Leave a comment