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- Clark County Board of Elections
- Greene County Board of Elections
- Miami County Board of Elections
- Montgomery County Board of Elections
Ohio currently recognizes six parties as having sufficient support in the state to warrant primaries:
- Constitution (National)
- Ohio — So far, the Constitution Party has no local affiliates.
- Clark
- Greene
- Miami
- Montgomery
- Ohio — So far, the Constitution Party has no local affiliates.
- Democrat (National)
- Green (National)
- Ohio — So far, the Green Party has no local affiliates.
- Clark
- Greene
- Miami
- Montgomery
- Ohio — So far, the Green Party has no local affiliates.
- Libertarian (National)
- Republican (National)
- Ohio — Local affiliate support in Ohio is weak.
- Socialist (National)
- Ohio — So far, the Socialist Party has no local affiliates.
- Clark
- Greene
- Miami
- Montgomery
- Ohio — So far, the Socialist Party has no local affiliates.