Monthly Archives: April 2007

20070405 Bible Study for the Day- Matthew 24:1-31

Many people study these verses of Matthew 24 desperately trying to coax out of them some secret about when the world will end. For thousands of years, generations of so-called prophets have declared that the end was upon us only to be proved wrong by the passage of time. Continue reading

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20070404 Holy Wednesday

Holy Wednesday was a different kind of day. Yeshua continued his teaching in the Temple, continuing to place himself at risk and challenge the religious leaders who already sought an opportunity to have him arrested and killed for trumped up charges of a conspiracy against the state. Little did those leaders know that such an opportunity would come to them. Continue reading

Posted in Faith, Holidays, Holy Wednesday, Holy Week | Leave a comment

20070404 Bible Study for the Day- Matthew 23:23-39

Jesus stood in the courts of the Temple, declaring woe against the leaders of the Jews. In His speech and in His meaning, Jesus embodied the Word given to the generations of prophets that foretold His coming. Continue reading

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20070403 Holy Tuesday

While Yeshua may have been humble in his countenance, he was bold in his action. The day after he cleared the Temple of its crooked business enterprises, he returned to its courts, directly challenging the Pharisees to act against him. If there was ever a time of danger, it was at the moment he once again crossed the threshold of the Temple. Continue reading

Posted in Faith, Holidays, Holy Tuesday, Holy Week | Leave a comment

20070403 Bible Study for the Day- Matthew 23:1-22

In the previous verses, Jesus challenged the leaders of the Jews to take a position on who He, the promised Christ, was, yet those leaders proved that they did not understand who the Christ was supposed to be, which was why they did not understand that it was the Christ who asked them that question. Continue reading

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