The Democrats Get Their Way.


        Somehow, the minority party of the House of Representatives and their liberal leftists allies scored a victory yesterday with the resignation of Tom DeLay as the majority leader in the house. In spite of the fact that DeLay has not been proven guilty of anything, either in a real court or in the court of public opinion, he resigned under the intense pressure of the Democrats who claim that a mere indictment is enough to call into question a person’s ethics.

         This is a startling claim from a party one of whose greatest heroes was impeached for lying under oath while sitting as President. How many Democrats have been investigated for ethical or legal breeches while in office, yet none of them ever resigned? How has our nation come to the point where the minority party, defeated in six legislative elections since 1994, has come into the power to define the ethical character of Congress?

         Further, where is the public outcry as to the unfairness of this act? Where is the demand that someone should be proved guilty in a court of law before being treated as guilty? What happens if Tom DeLay is found innocent of the charges leveled against him?

         We have fallen victim to our own complacency in this great country of ours. We let shrill politicians and their media lapdogs dictate to us what we think and how we react. We do not show outrage at the growing excesses of a burgeoning government, and now we accept a witch-hunt against a man who might well be innocent.

         The irony of Tom DeLay’s resignation is that he did it out of a sense of honor because he realized that his persecution distracted from the job the House of Representatives is oath sworn to do, but he was forced into that position by political activists whose concern is political power and not the nation they are sworn to govern.

         As a result, this nation has once again lost a good leader and suffers from a power vacuum because of the political proclivities of a noisy and vindictive political minority. One can only hope that the end result of such an obvious political ploy as the persecution of Tom DeLay results in yet another political defeat for the Democrats this November.


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2 Responses to The Democrats Get Their Way.

  1. KMileen says:

    This is probably why the people who would make the best representatives in all levels of government do not run for office…why bother when the opposing party will screech until they find something to “convict” you and make you resign? More and more it seems like adults having temper tantrums that a 2 year old would stare at…

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