Bible Study for the Day: Leviticus 1


Leviticus 1

     Today begins our study of Leviticus, arguably one of the most difficult books of the Old Testament. Within Leviticus is contained the laws handed down by God to the Israelites wandering their way to the promised land, especially the Levites who were chosen as the hereditary priests of Israel.

     Why should a modern Christian study a book of rules for Hebrew priests? Because the commands of God in Leviticus are the very ones that Jesus fulfilled with his life and death some 1400 years later. In Gods demands of law, we see the rules we can never hope to fulfill as humans, and therefore why we are in so desperate need of a savior, that is Jesus Christ our Lord. As Jesus himself said, he came to fulfill the law, not abolish it.

     That being said, there are many resources available for studying Leviticus. Among them are the Peoples Bible Commentary available from the WELS. Here is also a link to the commentary on the book.

     Leviticus 1 is the Law of Burnt offerings. To our modern sensibilities, the actions prescribed may seem barbaric and cruel, yet they attest to one of the realities of our fallen, sinful existence, and that is the truth that our sins can only be covered by sacrifice. Before Jesus came, that sacrifice was an unending stream of smoke rising into the sky from in front of the tabernacle or temple of Israel. In that smoke was not the scent of meat or blood, but rather the fragrance of a contrite and faithful heart standing before God and accepting His forgiveness through the shedding of blood and the burning of meat.

     In a similar way, we Christians make such a sacrifice when we are crucified with Christ into his death through baptism and when we commemorate Jesus’ sacrifice through communion. Through baptism and communion, we sacrifice the desires of sin, washing them away with the blood of the Lamb. Then, our prayers and songs become that fragrant offering to God, rising on the wings of faith to our Father who is pleased to call us His children through that faith.


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