Monthly Archives: December 2006

20061231 Bible Study for the Day- Isaiah 38-39

Sometimes the answers to our prayers are subtle, but sometimes they are spectacular. Hezekiah seems to have experienced a large share of God’s spectacular answers during his reign as king of Judah, including the sparing of his life as he was about to die. Continue reading

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20061230 Bible Study for the Day- Isaiah 36-37

One of the major themes of Isaiah is God’s desire for the faithfulness of His people. God desires this faithfulness all of the time, not just when things are going well. In fact, it is when things are going the worst that God has the most opportunity to bless His people, because it is then that God can most effectively demonstrate His faithfulness to us. As the Apostle Paul tells us, God’s power is made perfect in our weakness when we submit in that weakness to Him. Continue reading

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20061230 Endings and Beginnings

Today witnessed the end of the “Butcher of Baghdad” as Saddam Hussein was hung for crimes against the people of Iraq during his 24-year totalitarian reign. Continue reading

Posted in Iraq, Nations, News, War on Terror, World Watch | Leave a comment

20061229 Bible Study for the Day- Isaiah 33-35

We are no different from the Jews of Isaiah’s time. All people in all times have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory ( Romans 3:22-24) and, therefore, are deserving of the same judgment for their sin. Continue reading

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20061228 Bible Study for the Day- Isaiah 30:18-32:20

Israel’s sin was rejecting God in favor of earthly things. Even when they were faced with the looming threat of invasion by the Assyrians, they looked for help from Egypt instead of God. The irony of that earthly help is that history tells us that every one of those peoples were eventually overrun- Jerusalem, Egypt, Assyria, even Babylon that came later. There was no salvation to be found in the works of men, only the continuation of the destruction wrought by their own hands. Continue reading

Posted in Bible Study, Faith, Isaiah | 1 Comment