20070419 Americans Have the Right to Defend Themselves

The modern public discourse is constantly full of claims to rights and to rights violated. While Americans enjoy many rights and liberties, this discourse often borders on the absurd as people claim rights as whatever an individual wants to do regardless of the consequences. The recent tragedy at Virginia Tech, however, casts a glaring public spotlight on a right Americans most assuredly have, and that is the right to defend oneself.

It is inconceivable that a single individual possessing just two firearms was capable of killing 32 people and wounding dozens of others without someone stopping him unless one considers the possibility that most of the victims have been brainwashed for years into believing that their personal protection is the responsibility of someone else. In fact, this brainwashing happens from the moment most Americans enter public schools.

This brainwashing is the Leftist agenda to subserviate the average American to the will of the government and does not just involve teaching Americans that guns are bad, but that violence under any circumstance is bad. Worse, the Left teaches Americans that the response to violence should be passive: run, hide, and ultimately let the violent have what they want. Wait until the state arrives in the form of the police to enact the only kind of violence the Left can sanction, that violence enacted by and on the behalf of the Leftist state.

Some might be uncomfortable or offended at the implication that someone can reduce the tragedy at Virginia Tech to a political debate. The demonstrated reality, however, is that most people when faced with a similar situation have no idea what to do to take care of themselves, let alone the mindset that dying trying to save others might be better than watching everyone die. That incapacity and mindset comes from the fact that the Left has taught them for decades before that moment that defending themselves is wrong.

The sad irony of the tragedy at Virginia Tech is that the Commonwealth of Virginia has a concealed carry law, yet Virginia Tech, like most college campuses, bans the carrying of those legally concealed firearms on its campus. One legally trained and licensed student or teacher armed with a firearm could have stopped this event before anyone died. Even absent legal firearms, a small group of staff or students who realized the lethal danger and believed it was their responsibility to defend themselves could have stopped this tragedy quickly.

Instead, the Leftist drive to pacify the population to the state has cost 33 more lives, 32 because of the fact that no one realized they should have or were able to fight back, and 1 because the state sought to rehabilitate rather than protect. Ultimately, the state, carefully crafted by the Leftist agenda, does bare responsibility for what has occurred simply because it created the circumstances where it could occur.

This is a hard lesson, a lesson now borne in terrible tragedy and grief, in unnecessary suffering and death, yet it is a lesson that Americans can learn, and it is a tragedy that Americans can prevent or limit from happening again. Americans have the right to defend themselves, a right granted by the Constitution and the natural law to which that Constitution appeals, now it is time for Americans to retake that right and reverse the trend of subservience to a government that cannot guarantee their protection.


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