Monthly Archives: April 2007

20070410 RELC eDevotion for 10 April 2007

The Resurrection Evangelical Lutheran Church eDevotion is a periodic email and blog devotion published by the church as ministry to its members and as an outreach tool. It is cross-posted to the Worldview Weblog in an effort to reach a larger audience. Here is the link to the eDevotion for 10 April 2007. Continue reading

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20070409 Easter Monday

Yeshua was alive. While the disciples may not have realized it, the Kingdom of Heaven was truly at hand. With Yeshua’s resurrection from the dead, the only promises of God that remained to be fulfilled to them was for them to receive the Holy Spirit and to be resurrected themselves. Continue reading

Posted in Easter, Easter Monday, Faith, Holidays | Leave a comment

20070308 Easter

The dawn of the Sunday after Yeshua died dawned cold and stark for his forlorn followers. Their teacher and friend, their leader and-many had hoped-their Messiah was dead and buried in a borrowed grave. His execution had been so sudden and his death so quick that they had not even had a chance to properly prepare his body in one last act of faithfulness and devotion. Continue reading

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20070408 RELC Sermon for 8 April 2007 (Easter Sunday)

Resurrection Evangelical Lutheran Church posts its pastor’s sermons on its website each week as ministry to its members and as an outreach tool. This link is cross-posted to the Worldview Weblog in an effort to reach a larger audience. Here is the link to the sermon for 8 April 2007 (Easter Sunday).

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Posted in Easter, Faith, Holidays, RELC, RELC Sermons | Leave a comment

20070407 Easter Vigil

It was the Sabbath, a dark Sabbath for Yeshua’s followers. Throughout that day, they remained hidden, locked away for fear of the Jews, left only with their shock and their grief at the great tragedy that had so suddenly befallen them. Yeshua, their teacher and friend, was dead. The investment of the past three years seemed to be lost forever to a man crucified and now laid in a borrowed grave. Continue reading

Posted in Easter Vigil, Faith, Holidays, Holy Week | Leave a comment