Monthly Archives: April 2007

20070406 Good Friday Scripture

I inadvertantly posted the Good Friday post without its accompanying Scripture reading. That Scripture is included here and has been added to the original post. Jesus’ arrest, crucifixion, and death -=DLH=-

Posted in Faith, Good Friday, Holidays, Holy Week | Leave a comment

20070406 Good Friday

It was Friday night, the beginning of the Sabbath, and the world was dark not just because of nightfall, but because death was upon it. Yeshua, the teacher and prophet, so recently hailed as the Son of David, to whom shouts of “Hosanna” were called by children, lay dead in a borrowed tomb. His disciples were scattered, the one who betrayed him now dead by his own hand.

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Posted in Faith, Good Friday, Holidays, Holy Week | 2 Comments

20070405 Maundy Thursday

As was his custom, Yeshua celebrated the Passover with his disciples. Everyone had to have been on edge that day as a result of the previous events of the week. The religious leaders were looking for an opportunity to arrest Yeshua, and Yeshua’s followers had to have known that the more time he spent in the city, the greater the risk was that he would be arrested.

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Posted in Faith, Holidays, Holy Week, Maundy Thursday | Leave a comment

Somewhat Fixed

Well, It’s not perfect, but I resolved most of the problem I was just previously having. There are still some issues, however those issues should not harm the external function of the weblog. Sorry for the panic. DLH

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Technical Difficulties

The Worldview Weblog is experiencing some significant technical difficulties and may be unavailable periodically for times during the next several days as these difficulties are addressed. Please be patient with me as I try to sort all of this out. … Continue reading

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