20070522 Bible Study for the Day- Ezekiel 8

Context for Ezekiel 8

One last time, God presents His case for why He was about to allow Judah and Jerusalem to fall. He had selected them as His people, and they had declared He was their God, yet they had turned their backs on their God and pursued the ways of men. For that reason alone, God was withdrawing His grace.

Ezekiel 8

One of the greatest fallacies that human beings continue to labor under because of sin is the notion that what they do is unknown to God. Of course, this fact is manifested most clearly in those who choose to believe that there is no God at all.

In this passage of Ezekiel, God wanted to remind the people of Judah that His the all-knowing God. He wanted to show them that He did, in fact, know them and what they did, how they had turned their backs on Him to pursue their own way. He even called them out by name as a sure sign of His omniscience.

This reminder stands for us too. There is nothing that God does not know about us. There no action that He does not see; no sin that goes unrevealed. Thanks be to God, then, that we are redeemed by faith through grace and not of something we do. Therefore, we should daily renew ourselves to our God, knowing that He already knows us, and set ourselves each day firmly on the path toward Heaven.


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