Criminal Judges?

Worldview Item of the Day

Jules Crittenden has an interesting idea for judges that release dangerous sexual criminals who then commit more crimes: imprison the judges as accessories.

Now, I’m not one for a “one-size-fits-all” punishment for any kind of a crime, but I would like to expand Crittenden’s idea to any judge that releases a known serial criminal who then commits that crime again–rape, murder, theft, whatever.

Of course, the real problem is that we seem to live in a society that generally does not want to hold people accountable for their actions. If crimes were punished fittingly–if criminals were punished rather than “rehabilitated”–then there would probably be less criminals. Underneath this problem is a whole morass of cultural atrophy that deserves a fuller discussion elsewhere.

The moral, however, is this: we need to hold people accountable, judges and criminals alike, but before we can do that, we need to hold ourselves accountable.


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