Tag Archives: Roasting

The Roastery at Innisfree: 2019 in review

Well, 2019 at the Roastery at Innisfree has come to a close. It wasn’t a huge year, but it wasn’t a small one either. I roasted 161 pounds of green coffee, 27 of which I drank myself. My primary outlet was the Miami County Locally Grown Virtual Market followed by direct sales. My top four … Continue reading “2019 in review” Continue reading

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Coffee: Lots of roasting and the Downtown Troy Farmer’s Market

I will be doing lots of roasting this week in preparation for the Downtown Troy Farmer’s Market this Saturday. Do you need coffee? Let me know. DLH Continue reading

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Coffee: Back in business

The new roaster is broken in and I am back in business. Let me know if you need coffee.
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Coffee: Breaking things in

Well, all of the parts of the new roaster arrived over the weekend, and right now, I am engaged in the process of breaking my roaster in with the hope of doing my first test roasts tonight. If all goes well–and I expect it will–I should be back to roasting on a normal schedule tomorrow. […] Continue reading

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Coffee: The last of the Coatepec and a nearly perfect dark roast

Today was something of a sad day as I roasted the last of my stock of Genuine Mexican Coatepec (it is no longer available), but on the bright side, I nailed the dark roast I was trying to achieve with it. The finished product has definite hints of chocolate, caramel, and  (I know this will […] Continue reading

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