Tag Archives: winning

The only way Obama can win in 2012?

I think that Obama’s recent run of political miscalculation at home and abroad has cost him dearly in the court of public opinion that all politicians must rely on in order to get reelected to their jobs. Whether or not … Continue reading

Posted in Economy, Government, Nations, News, Philosophy, Politics, Spending, Taxes, United States, World Watch | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Proof that Obama does not understand the nature of this war

The Obama administration has decided to order the FBI to Miranda-ize high-value targets detained by military operations inside Afghanistan, essentially extending constitutional protections over foreign fighters captured in combat and making their behavior and objectives a law-enforcement, rather than a military, issue. The Justice Department has confirmed the practice is in use. […] Continue reading

Posted in Afghanistan, Current Operations, Defense, Foreign Policy, Government, Intelligence, Military, Nations, News, Politics, Quid Facis, Security, United States, War on Terror, World Watch, Worldview Item of the Day | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

22:36 What has to happen now

If McCain gains momentum from his performance tonight, he has to do it by hitting the trail tomorrow hammering the points he hammered tonight. He has to fire his campaign, turn Palin loose, and rally his supporters to his cause. … Continue reading

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22:29 First thoughts on results

McCain by a hair. He was aggressive, forceful, and stuck to the points he decided to go after. Obama seemed unprepared at points, including a log pause before he responded to the race baiting accusation. McCain, however, seemed unsteady at … Continue reading

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22:00 McCain pours it on

Is it enough? -=DLH=-

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