Science Item of the Day: Massive Earthquakes and Tsunamis


         This article, to me at least, is a gentle reminder that we never know when disaster might strike, so its best to live to the fullest of our abilities while we can. Interestingly, it also reminds me that the worst violence that can be done to me is often not done by men. I wonder what the Cascadian Indians thought that day?


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2 Responses to Science Item of the Day: Massive Earthquakes and Tsunamis

  1. Keneil Blaho says:

    Several years I read an article that felt as if the Earth’s weather in the last hundred years had been very quiet and not the norm for Earth’s history. The cycle would change back to what was the normal violent weather. Of course this was immediately pooh-poohed. It now seems that with our recent weather we need to go back in historical records world wide and base our opinions of what can happen on what has happened.

  2. dlhitzeman says:

    It is the kind of science you describe from several years ago, along with my own experience, that has made me a strong sceptic of most science. The problem is that most modern sciene is based on stongly held supposition rather than any kind of fact. That fact defies scientific reason. The sad part is that most scientists dismiss others not trained as scientists because we have not been indoctrinated into their way of thinking. Sounds awfully catholic to me…

    Anyway, it is interesting to note that the historical record greatly supports the current weather anf geological patterns as natural phenomenon.


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