Bible Study for the Day: Leviticus 11


Leviticus 11

     What was the purpose of God’s command regarding which animals could be eaten and which could not? To our modern minds the restrictions of Leviticus 11 seem unfairly burdensome and strict, yet God commanded adherence to these strictures from the Israelites.

     Many people have speculated over the years about the purpose of such regulations, but one purpose should be immediately clear: dedication. The Israelite who tried follow all of the Laws handed down to his people proved that his heart was dedicated to God. Why else would someone follow the strictures of the Law unless he believed in the one who handed it down? And in the face of that law, which could never be fulfilled by human design, the Israelite would see the need and the blessing of sacrifice for the forgiveness of his sin. In faith, the faithful Israelite dedicated himself to God”s law so that he could benefit from God”s forgiveness through sacrifice.

     What is our dedication today? As Christians, we should be dedicated to the Gospel of Christ. In the faith that comes from that Gospel, we find the same forgiveness through the ultimate power of Jesus Christ, who fulfilled the law for us because we could not. In this way, we Christians live in Grace and our Israelite forerunners lived in the Law, and for each of us was found the redemption of Christ, either promised or revealed.


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