What Can One Person Do?


     Several of the last posts on this weblog have elicited a similar and ongoing discussion of what can one person do when that person cares about issues like Iran, illegal immigration, or similar issues when typically surrounded by people who just do not seem to care. This is an important question, and this post seeks to address several ways that anyone can become part of the solution.

     First, keep yourself informed. This means more than watching the nightly news or catching the sound bites on a 24-hour news channel. It does take time, but the fifteen or twenty minutes it takes to scan several news sites or weblogs two or three times a week puts you way ahead of the game compared to 90% of the rest of the world. Do not be afraid of non-traditional sources like independent news agencies and weblogs. A lot of good information comes from those sources that will not be heard anywhere else. A good place to start with such a quest to remain more informed is Dennis L Hitzeman’s News Reading List (yes that’s me) found on Enigma22’s All the Stuff in the World Archive (again shameless advertising plug).

     Second, it is important to realize that even one voice can make a difference in changing anything for the better, because if no one is talking, then no one can listen. Following that theme, the next thing anyone can do to try to change an issue for the better is talk. Talk to your family. Talk to your friends. Talk to your coworkers. Talk to the politicians who represent you. It does not matter if anyone agrees with you, but talking cannot help but keep the subject in the open. Talk to anyone who will listen. Consider using weblog or headline topics you have read about in the first item. Sending email with links to items you have found interesting or informative is useful to starting and continuing conversations.

     Third, utilize the political process. Vote and communicate with your representatives at all levels. If possible belong to a political party at a local level. If a party representing your views does not exist at your level, consider starting your own Political Action Committee. PACs are not hard to start, and they receive great notice on occasion (consider the impact of PACs like MoveOn.org and Swift Boat Veterans for Truth in the last presidential election). Whatever form it might take, political participation is a must. If you do not speak for yourself in the political process, someone else will speak for you. In addition to participating yourself suggest, mention, harass, and cajole anyone you know into doing the same.

     Fourth, if you think what you have to say is important enough, then establish your own presence for saying it. Weblogs are very easy to start, and if you do not want to start your own, then many weblog writers are interested in having others write for their sites. Volume gets attention, and many writers generate more volume that one. You can also write opinion pieces for local papers, and many weblogs and independent news sites have discussion forums where you can discuss your views with others who find the same things important.

     Finally, seek out people who have opinions similar to your own. There are many of them out there, and you are likely to discover many of them as you keep yourself active and informed. Most people who have opinions often feel very alone in having them. Finding others who think the same way strengthens everyone and helps bring about the kinds of ideas that lead to solutions.

     If these items just do not seem like enough, then consider the possibility that what you really seek is something beyond involvement. Such a thing is called service, and service is a discussion for another post, but if you sincerely think that serving is the right thing for you, do not hesitate to seek such a thing out.

     In closing, here are a few links to the kinds of places that anyone can go to begin the process of becoming involved:

News and Information

Dennis L Hitzeman’s News Reading List

Political Involvement

The Republican National Committee

The Libertarian Party

Starting a Political Action Committee

Contacting Your Representation

The US House Website

The US Senate Website

Congress.org (find and write to your congress people)

Making Your Voice Heard



This entry was posted in Government, News, Politics. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to What Can One Person Do?

  1. chrispy85 says:

    Don’t be afraid to have an opinion.

    Even better, don’t be afraid to change your opinion if the facts warrant it.

    And most importantly, don’t be afraid to share your opinion with the world (or at least your half of it).

  2. dlhitzeman says:

    And, for those of us who have faith, pray. We cannot forget that our God hears our prayers, and such prayers are a powerful force.


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