Bible Study for the Day: 1 Peter 2:18-25


1 Peter 2:18-25

     The place we are most likely to be a an example of our faith is in our work because we spend more time at work than any other single place. As a result, people are more likely to come in contact with the testimony of our lives at work than anywhere else.

     It is our lives as a result of our faith as Christians that sets us apart from the rest of the world. Christians not only believe and think different, they act different because of the joy in our hearts as a result of our salvation. Our difference is what attracts other people to look at us and wonder why we are the way we are.

     And we do not act this way because we are trying to get into Heaven because of how we act, rather we know that our actions reflect our saving faith and act as the first mechanism by which we can show that faith to others who may not share it. Our actions as Christians are often our first and only chance to show others Jesus’ love reflected through us.

     So, when we are at work, it is more important than perhaps even at home to follow Peter’s exhortation to follow Christ’s example. How many of us work with heathen coworkers who may have never heard the Gospel? If they do not hear it from us, who are they going to hear it from? Let us all let our actions be the means by which we bring the Gospel to those who have not heard it, wherever they may be found.


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1 Response to Bible Study for the Day: 1 Peter 2:18-25

  1. KMileen says:

    And when some of your co-workers say they are Christians but then say/do nothing that backs it up, that gets really frustrating. Even worse, when they say/do things that explicitly go against Christian teachings. People then lump all the “Christians” and Christians together and there’s a fine kettle of fish to get out of!

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