Monthly Archives: December 2006

20061227 Bible Study for the Day- Isaiah 29:1-30:17

How often does our behavior become so ingrained that we do not even realize we are doing it or why we are doing it if we do realize it? This was the nature of the behavior of the people of Jerusalem that God condemned. They believed they were worshiping God, but what they were really doing was going through the motions of what someone else told them they should do, but the faith had long since passed. Continue reading

Posted in Bible Study, Faith, Isaiah | 7 Comments

20061226 Bible Study for the Day- Isaiah 28

There are certain human behaviors that have always been a part of human nature. Chief among those behaviors is pride, and pride is what the people of Ephraim showed most of all in their rebellion against God and Jerusalem. In their pride, these people established their own faith, one separate from the faith in the One, True God. In doing so, they cut themselves off from their God. Continue reading

Posted in Bible Study, Faith, Isaiah | 1 Comment

20061225 Merry Christmas

I have a confession to make- I can never sing all of the verses of Silent Night on Christmas Eve without crying. I cannot sing Silent Night because I cannot help but think about the fact that this baby born in a barn in Bethlehem more than 2006 years ago was born solely to die on my behalf. Continue reading

Posted in Christmas, Faith, Holidays | 1 Comment

20061225 Bible Study for the Day- Isaiah 26-27

God’s judgment is not purposeless. Instead, like the refining of a precious metal, God’s judgment purges away the impurities that mar faith and lead the righteous astray. Once that judgment has passed, what remains is God’s pure and precious gifts of grace, faith, hope, and love, the very things that preserve us and bring us to Heaven. Continue reading

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20061224 Bible Study for the Day- Isaiah 24-25

Christmas Eve is a time for celebration and song. On this night, we celebrate Christ our Lord and Savior come into the world as one of us, God become man in the form of a child born of a virgin in a stable. In this reality all Christians rejoice. Continue reading

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