20070722 Quid Facis

One of the pressing questions of our time is “What am I going to do about the state of things in my city, country, and the world”. While it may be a pressing question, many people see that question and just shrug: “What can I do?” Throughout society, there is a depressing sense of overwhelming hopelessness and apathy that prevents people from seeing how they can be part of the solution.

My friend Chris over at Café Diem has launched a new weblog in an attempt to provide answers that question that can overcome such hopelessness and apathy. This weblog exists as part of a challenge between the two of us to focus some of our writing on showing that everyday people are, in fact, capable of directing the course of at least American society and politics.

Quid Facis, the title of his new weblog, represents the core of this challenge, asking the simple question “What are you doing?”. Quid Facis will also be the title of a new category on this weblog containing writing geared toward answering that question.

The goal of this challenge and the writing on his weblog and my own is to remind all of us that we live in a nation governed of, by, and for the people and that the course of our nation and our place in the world lies in our hands, whether we choose to act or not. It is time for us to take back the ideals the Founding Fathers guaranteed to the people, and it is our hope that our writing adds two more voices to the growing chorus of voices calling for that change.


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