Balanced Reporting: And Now Some Drek From the Left

20060423 | The Daily Times

     Some readers of this weblog will point to the linked posts as evidence of my own deranged paranoia on the part of Iran and its nuclear program. For those readers who believe such nonsense, I suggest stopping your foray into this post here because what follows is sure to offend and enrage you.

     For the rest who have lasted to this paragraph, hold on, because my view and bias is about to be displayed in all of its glory. You see, the linked posts are evidence of exactly why the US and the West are threatened with the very nuclear holocaust that Mr. Margolis so casually derides.

     Before I move on, I must first confess that I consider Mr. Margolis a traitor to his country and everything it stands for. I say this simply because much of Mr. Margolis’ so-called reporting (keep in mind he is actually an opinion columnist) is directed at deriding the nation he claims as his own, defending the radicals and terrorists working to destroy the US and the West, and inciting hatred in the Muslim world by repeatedly accusing the US of atrocities and actions which are factually baseless or derived from sources which are directly tied to the propaganda machines of the very same radicals and terrorists described above.

     Anyone who doubts the veracity of my claims above need only to search the internet for Mr. Margolis’ writing and decide for themselves whether what I am saying is true. If you disagree with my assessment, and you have every right to do so, then you will likely disagree with most of what I write in this post, and the recommendations for reading that I often provide. Se la vi.

     Now, what is the point of this little tirade? Basically to point out to anyone who agrees with me, or is thinking about agreeing with me, that the enemies of the United States are not just Muslim radicals and terrorists. They are also leftist-leaning journalists, diplomats, workers for non-governmental agencies, and a whole host of other groups and individuals who regularly give aid and support to our enemies by arguing for their right to be our enemies and commit the atrocities that they have carried out and will continue to plan and carry out.

     Make no mistake, that while Mr. Margolis accuses the US of militant aggressiveness against nations like Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, the militant radicals like al-Qaeda, the Wahhabis, and the ayatollahs of Iran seize on such words as evidence of their baseless hatred of the US and all that it stands for. Be sure that such statements stoke the flames of protests, riots, attacks, and terrorism, and drive such groups to seek ever more powerful weapons for their ongoing war of hatred.

     At times like these, all of us must make a choice, and such choices are never easy and always bear with them consequences that can last a lifetime. I respect Mr. Margolis’ right as a citizen of a free Western country to spew whatever drivel he chooses to spew, but in that respect I reserve the right to counteract his drivel with my own pile of whatever noun you would like to associate with it. I defend my pile, however, by pointing out that these same people that Mr. Margolis so ardently defends are responsible for the acts and supporting the acts of 9-11, Bali, Madrid, and London among a long list of heinous and hate filled attacks against the West. What will Mr. Margolis’ defense be the next time people die at the hands of his oppressed Muslim radicals?



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1 Response to Balanced Reporting: And Now Some Drek From the Left

  1. dlhitzeman says:

    Just in case anyone doubts that I am alone in my views:


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