20070725 World Watch Iraq- Here’s Your Evidence

Michael Trotten’s Middle East Journal

Fox News

There are two regular litanies I hear from well intentioned Americans who yet still support retreat in the face of the enemy in Iraq. First, they say that there is no evidence that we are succeeding in Iraq, which is why we should pull out. Second, they say that, if there is such evidence, then why doesn’t the media report it.

As I discussed in my previous post “What’s Deteriorating“, the answer to the second question is that the bulk of the Mainstream Media does not report the evidence for success in Iraq because they do not want us to know. The Mainstream Media and the fundamentalist Leftists want us to fail in Iraq to further their socialist fascist agendas of superseding the rights of the individual to the rights of the government. This fact leads to the answer to the first question, which is that there is plenty of evidence that we are succeeding in Iraq, it is just not being reported by the MSM.

Fortunately, for all of us, Fox News is courageously running against the trend in the rest of the Mainstream Media. As proven by Fox News’s posting of Michael Trotten’s dispatches from Iraq as well as already carrying Michael Yon’s excellent reporting from al Anbar and Diyala Provinces, they are unafraid to show the world the very evidence that the MSM does not want the pubic to know about.

So, there it is. There is the evidence that so many Americans want as to our success in Iraq. It is there. It is available. All the average American has to do is read, or even better wait for someone to summarize that reporting into a snapshot sound bite. What more evidence do you want? If that evidence is not enough, then there is no hope to convince you anyway as you’ve already fallen for the lie.

As for those who are convinced, the next step is to do something about it. We are succeeding in Iraq, but we are failing at home. Our nation committed an electoral disaster in 2006 when it swept fundamentalist Leftist Democrats into power whose main agenda is to lose in Iraq. While we cannot help but suffer the consequences of such a bad decision until 2008, in 2008 we can sweep them back out of power, thereby ensuring that we can succeed in Iraq by finishing the job there is clear evidence we are already succeeding at.

We can begin that campaign by keeping ourselves informed of the success that is going on in Iraq everyday. While the Mainstream Media may not report that success, media like Black Five, The Fourth Rail, Michael Yon, the Middle East Journal, Mudville Gazette, Small Wars Journal, and the Winds of Change do. Those media sources also support the kinds of initiatives that will help lead America to victory in Iraq and victory at home.

The choice, then, is clear. We can look at the evidence and act, thereby ensuring success and victory, or failing to act, we will fail in Iraq, not because of lack of evidence, but because of lack of will, and that is a disaster far worse than any loss of American lives.

Quid Facis


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2 Responses to 20070725 World Watch Iraq- Here’s Your Evidence

  1. Kati Seiber says:

    Thanks for this. Here in Washington state, the only thing we hear about Iraq is how many soldiers died from Fort Lewis that week. It gets discouraging, especially since my husband just went back over there for his second tour. Getting a chance to read about what’s really happening and how much good we’re really doing encourages me and gives me something to hold on to. As tired as I am of this war (and attending memorial services for fallen soldiers in my husband’s squadron, and raising my kids by myself for 15 months, and dealing with concerned but ignorant civilians who just don’t get it), I know we’re doing the right thing and I pray it will come to light sooner rather than later.

  2. dlhitzeman says:

    Good to hear from you, Katie. I am praying that your husband and all those with him will be safe in Iraq, complete their mission, and return home knowing they succeeded and made the world a better place for us all.

    We have to hold on to the notion that our cause is just and that our purpose is noble. This war is our generation’s fight, and we cannot afford to fail for the sake of future generations.


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