The political hits keep right on rolling

Worldview Item of the Day

If there is any remaining doubt that the New York Times is a leftist hack rag, then this piece should put the question to rest. Hot on the heels of the NYT’s hit piece on the innuendo about McCain’s relationship to a lobbyist comes a question as to whether McCain, who was born to American military parents on a US Military installation in the Panama Canal Zone, meets the technical requirements of a “natural-born citizen” found in the Constitution.

Perhaps there are legitimate constitutional considerations for scholars in this question, but the only reason the NYT has for bringing it up is its fundamental desire to prevent anyone who is not a leftist from being elected to the presidency in 2008. The NYT reveals the leftist agenda for winning this election in this piece: win at any costs.

Perhaps as bad as the hit on John McCain is the backhand the NYT once again delivers to the US Military. Only a leftists like their editors and writers could conceive of suggesting that children born of US Citizens while stationed overseas at the behest of the US Government would be ineligible to run for president. Seeing as the great majority of such children are military kids, the attack is focused and clear.

This election is the test of two ideologies, the leftist one of international weakness and subjugating the people to the government and the conservative one of keeping America strong within and without. The fact that the left believes it can only win by trying to discredit the opposition rather than convincing the citizens of the value of its positions should show us all who should win the White House in 2008.


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1 Response to The political hits keep right on rolling

  1. keba says:

    Do they seriously have nothing else to do? But I guess if that is the worst that they can “dig up” on him, that’s saying something.

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