Tag Archives: missing the point

The day no one fought back

Last week, a madman visited a terrible tragedy on the nation of Norway, murdering 76 people in a rampage that included a car bomb and a shooting spree at an island camp for youth. Yet in the hour and a … Continue reading

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More on the cost of reality

I love that the debate over stripping public unions of the collective bargaining rights has degenerated into an argument, essentially, about protecting union negotiated entitlements. In embracing this debate, both sides have distracted themselves from reality again–that is, the thing … Continue reading

Posted in Economy, Education, Government, Nations, News, Politics, Society, Spending, United States, World Watch | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Declaration versus Constitution

Ok, people, in case you missed this at some point, the Declaration of Independence is the document our nation was founded upon because if formally severed the governance ties of all 13 colonies from British rule. The Revolutionary War established … Continue reading

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