Tag Archives: freedom

The rhythm of the road

I got a chance to do something today that I haven’t done in ages. All my had to tasks for the day were done, and I had nowhere to be, so I went for a drive. I discovered a long … Continue reading

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Declaration versus Constitution

Ok, people, in case you missed this at some point, the Declaration of Independence is the document our nation was founded upon because if formally severed the governance ties of all 13 colonies from British rule. The Revolutionary War established … Continue reading

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The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. –The Tenth Amendment, the United States Constitution …Whenever any Form of Government … Continue reading

Posted in Government, History, Nations, News, Philosophy, Politics, Quid Facis, Society, United States, World Watch | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment


It’s all in your head (via xkcd, one of my favorite online comics): Sure, there are practical limits to what we can do, especially when our actions affect others or when they require great amounts of effort, but almost everything … Continue reading

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Why remember?

Today is the day we have set aside as a nation to formally remember the men and women who have served the United States of America in its armed forces in dedication to keeping this nation safe and free. We … Continue reading

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