Category Archives: Elections

Write me in for 2012

It’s hard to believe that, a little over a month ago, we voted in what was one of the biggest transfers in party power in the history of American government. Unfortunately, so far, it looks like the transfer will result … Continue reading

Posted in Elections, Government, Philosophy, Society, Voting | Leave a comment

Post-election hangover

Things never look as good the next day as they did at the time we were doing them. So, the people who bothered to vote in this election brought the Republicans back into power in the House and many states … Continue reading

Posted in Elections, Government, Politics, Voting | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

A kind of litmus test

For all you conservative voters out there who plan to vote for Republicans on 2 November, here’s an interesting test for you to use to see if you made the right choice between then and 2012: Did federal government spending … Continue reading

Posted in Economy, Elections, Government, Politics, Quid Facis, Spending, Voting, World Watch | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Did you know there are other choices?

I haven’t had much to say about the upcoming election, mostly because I decided who I was going to vote for two years ago, and my mind hasn’t changed much since then. That’s right, I decided who I was going … Continue reading

Posted in Elections, Government, Philosophy, Politics, Quid Facis, Voting, World Watch | Tagged , | 3 Comments

The rise and fall of the British government

I watched the election in Britain yesterday with some interest and have a prediction as a result: no one will be able to form a stable government and whoever the sitting prime minister is will be forced to call new … Continue reading

Posted in Economy, Elections, Europeah Union, Government, Great Britiain, Italy, Nations, News, Organizations, Politics, Predictions, Preparedness, Spain, Voting, World Watch | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment