Tag Archives: Debt

The cost of reality means sacrificing until it’s fixed

One of the costs of putting one’s thoughts out in a public forum like a weblog is that one’s readers often expect both an opinion and a solution if the issue at hand is a problem that needs solving. The issue … Continue reading

Posted in Economy, Government, Nations, News, Philosophy, Politics, Society, Spending, United States, World Watch | Tagged , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

The cost of reality: who do you believe in?

I believe a significant part of the debate over everything from massive deficits to union bargaining rights centers around a question most people never consciously consider: who do they believe in? In this case, I am not talking about belief or lack … Continue reading

Posted in Economy, Government, History, Nations, News, Philosophy, Politics, Predictions, Preparedness, Society, Spending, United States, World Watch | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The cost of reality: taxing ourselves out of debt?

A comment on a previous post suggested that, rather than attack unions or cut spending, we should just raise taxes. My gut response was “raise taxes on what exactly?” I’m pretty sure that most Americans have no idea who is … Continue reading

Posted in Economy, Government, Nations, News, Politics, Society, Spending, United States, World Watch | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Ignoring the naked emperor

On the Daily Reckoning website, there is an interesting article about how the Federal Reserve motivated the Bureau of Labor Statistics to systematically remove tracking any prices that show volatility as part of the Consumer Price Index in order to … Continue reading

Posted in Economy, Government, News, Society, Spending | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Post-election hangover

Things never look as good the next day as they did at the time we were doing them. So, the people who bothered to vote in this election brought the Republicans back into power in the House and many states … Continue reading

Posted in Elections, Government, Politics, Voting | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments