Tag Archives: acts of terrorism


For 2010, I attempted to read the proverbial tea leaves and predict the future, with mixed success. Over the last year, I came to realize that it matters less to me whether I can call an event correctly before it … Continue reading

Posted in Afghanistan, al Qaeda, Economy, Government, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Myanmar, News, North Korea, Pakistan, Politics, Predictions, Somalia, Syria, Taliban, United States, Venezuela, World Watch | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

The statistics are against us

Via The Daily Beast comes news that the FBI successfully thwarted a bombing attempt by a Somali-born immigrant in Portland, Oregon. While it is easy to point out that the potential terrorist did not succeed, even though he had every … Continue reading

Posted in Nations, Somalia, United States, War on Terror, World Watch | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment