Tag Archives: Medicare


For 2010, I attempted to read the proverbial tea leaves and predict the future, with mixed success. Over the last year, I came to realize that it matters less to me whether I can call an event correctly before it … Continue reading

Posted in Afghanistan, al Qaeda, Economy, Government, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Myanmar, News, North Korea, Pakistan, Politics, Predictions, Somalia, Syria, Taliban, United States, Venezuela, World Watch | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

What if the government fails?

With all the debate over healthcare, one question that I have not found anyone asking or answering is “What happens if the government fails?” I’m not talking about failing to deliver on its promises on health care, I’m talking about … Continue reading

Posted in Economy, Government, History, Nations, Politics, Spending, United States, World Watch | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Economy busting budgets

Can someone please explain this to me because I don’t understand how it works: How does more than $5 trillion in deficit spending in four years and more than $1 trillion in new taxes, whoever they might be against, help … Continue reading

Posted in Economy, Government, Nations, Politics, Preparedness, Quid Facis, Society, Spending, United States, World Watch | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Change nobody wants to believe

Worldview Item of the Day

No one wants to believe it will happen, but our governments, at least at the federal and state levels are going to go bankrupt. While people try to deny this is where the United States and the socialist governments of the industrialized world are headed, the evidence is already clear.

One glaring example of this evidence is the rapidly approaching insolvency of Social Security and Medicare. These two programs, upon which millions upon millions of Americans have chosen to rely, are going to cease to function as they were promised, very likely within the next decade. This cessation will result in benefit cuts to current recipients and benefit elimination for people not yet receiving benefits. […] Continue reading

Posted in Economy, Entities, Government, Nations, News, Preparedness, Quid Facis, Spending, United States, West, the, World Watch, Worldview Item of the Day | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments