Category Archives: Taliban

For the love of god and country

I once opined that no one can face a fiercer opponent than someone fighting for what they hold most dear. We Americans, and really most Westerners, have a very romantic view of that idea. When we hear it, we see … Continue reading

Posted in Afghanistan, al Qaeda, Entities, Foreign Policy, fundamentalist Islam, Government, Groups, Hamas, Hezbollah, History, Iran, Iraq, Islam, Israel, Nations, Syria, Taliban, Turkey, War on Terror, World Watch | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment


For 2010, I attempted to read the proverbial tea leaves and predict the future, with mixed success. Over the last year, I came to realize that it matters less to me whether I can call an event correctly before it … Continue reading

Posted in Afghanistan, al Qaeda, Economy, Government, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Myanmar, News, North Korea, Pakistan, Politics, Predictions, Somalia, Syria, Taliban, United States, Venezuela, World Watch | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Non-state actors

The recent release of over 80,000* classified documents by the website WikiLeaks represents what is very likely the largest and most damaging public disclosure of protected information to the public in the history of espionage. The potential damage caused by … Continue reading

Posted in Afghanistan, al Qaeda, Current Operations, Groups, Military, Nations, News, Politics, Predictions, Society, Taliban, United States, World Watch | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment


While it is impossible for humans to predict the future, it is possible to look at the trends of the past year and guess where things might head in the coming year. Here are several of my guesses for 2010:

Posted in Afghanistan, al Qaeda, Current Operations, Economy, Elections, Faith, Government, Groups, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Japan, Military, Nations, North Korea, Nuclear power, Pakistan, Physics, Politics, Science and Technology, Society, Sports, Taliban, United States, Venezuela, War on Terror, World Watch | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment