20060804 Bible Study for the Day- Job 18-19

Context for Job 18-19

“As for me, I know that my Redeemer lives, And at the last He will take His stand on the earth. Even after my skin is destroyed, Yet from my flesh I shall see God; Whom I myself shall behold, And whom my eyes will see and not another. My heart faints within me!”

Job 19:25-27 NASB

Job 18-19

It is too easy for us to look at everything in our lives in the context of ourselves. We want everything to be about us, whether it really is or not.

Except, by faith, we know it is not all about us. In fact, God’s greatest command to us is to love Him with all of our hearts, minds, and strength, and to love our neighbors as ourselves. Other than the fact that we are the ones who have to do those things, what do they have to do with us?

Does this mean that our will does not matter? No, rather it means that our will matters when it is subjugated to God’s will. When that happens, we conform ourselves to God’s righteousness, and then we realize that it is about faith.


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