20060723 Bible Study for the Day: Ephesians 3

Ephesians 3

     Paul’s mission to the Gentiles was part of a great revelation from God, the revelation that the Gospel was for all peoples, regardless of their previous status before God. God desires that all peoples receive the Gospel and that all peoples be saved through faith in that message. Paul was the first ambassador of that message, but he was not the last.

     In fact, every one of us Christians is an ambassador of that same message. We are the priests of God’s holy priesthood, ordained by God through Paul to continue the mission God revealed to him. This is a great commission- the Great Commission- to carry the Gospel with us through our faith into the entire world by our actions and our words.

     This is faith in action, the Gospel living inside of us bursting out like a light on a hill, those descriptive verbs about the nature of our salvation doing what God intended them to do. This is the work God set before us as a result of the faith He gave us, so that our faith may grow and so that others may hear that saving Word. If the point of salvation is to forgive our sins and secure our place in Heaven, then the point of being saved is to share the Gospel so that others can receive that salvation as well.


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