Tag Archives: Lies


The picture you see here is me a day after spending six days in the hospital as a result of acute pancreatitis brought on by hypertriglyceridemia of such severity that I had to have the triglycerides removed from my blood … Continue reading

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Thoughts from Innisfree on the Stillwater: Some thoughts on bureaucrats, school lunches, and the lies we tell ourselves

Bureaucrats tend to obfuscate the truth with words, and far too often, people fall for the resulting lie. Take school lunches as an example. As recently evidenced by the whole debacle over the NeverSeconds weblog, bureaucrats will continue to insist … Continue reading Continue reading

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And you’re still defending climate science as overwhelming and irrefutable?

Via Cranach: researchers studying the nature of climate science discover that climate scientists at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration manipulated climate data measurements by selectively eliminating the number of data collection stations: In a January 29 report, they find … Continue reading

Posted in Climate, Ethics, Government, Law, News, Science and Technology | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

The other shoe drops?

Twice this morning, I heard different radio talking heads say that Obama may be considering a national sales tax to pay for the cost of the stimulus package he will sign today. Interestingly, I was unable to find a single print reference to this idea. […] Continue reading

Posted in Economy, Government, Politics, Society, Spending | Tagged , , , | 6 Comments

Media malfeasance

The Weekly Standard Weblog details the ongoing attempts by the media to smear John McCain’s vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin by publishing outright lies and unproved innuendo. […] Continue reading

Posted in Media, News, Politics, Worldview Item of the Day | Tagged , , | 2 Comments