Daily Archives: 4 September 2006

20060904 Bible Study for the Day: 2 Samuel 19:9-39

Even with the end of Absalom’s rebellion, the problems for David and for Israel were not over. Certainly, the elders of Israel were hesitant to ask David to return to Jerusalem, likely afraid that he would punish them for their part in the rebellion so recently ended. Yet, David had a different view of events. He understood the nature of the rebellion and sought to return Israel to its former state, secure within its borders and at peace with itself. Continue reading

Posted in 2 Samuel, Bible Study, Faith | Leave a comment

20060904 It Should Be Capitalism Day

Today is the day that the United States celebrates labor, focusing on the contributions of the worker to the economy and the wellbeing of this nation. Yet, it seems that such a celebration, while laudable, somehow misses the point of the greater celebration that the United States should participate in, which is the celebration of a free market economy and republican democratic government that allows every American to achieve whatever status he is willing to work for- in other words, the celebration of capitalism. Continue reading

Posted in Economy, Holidays, Labor Day, Nations, Politics, Society, United States, World Watch | 2 Comments