Tag Archives: belief

Why I Am Pro-Life

Or, “Stop Insisting that I Hate Women and Thump Bibles Just Because I Take a Viewpoint You Oppose.” A guest post by Pete Hitzeman   I am a Christian. I am a conservative. I am Pro-Life. But I am not … Continue reading

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Because what the 16 percent believe should be good enough for the rest of us

Via The Daily Beast comes word of a new Gallup poll that laments that just 16 percent of Americans believe in secular Scientific evolution. Now, I have all kinds of issues with polls, but this one seems pretty fair and straightforward. … Continue reading

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“Keep your head down” represents a compromise of the Christian worldview

I hear this idea or something like it often: “We should just keep our heads down and mind our own business.” Usually, it comes from conservatively minded people, often from Christians, and mostly in relationship to ongoing world events the … Continue reading

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No, no I’m not a rationalist

A continued popular thread around the internet is the self-declared righteousness of so-called rationalists: that is, people who believe that everything in the universe and outside of it can be explained only by empirical observation that accumulates facts that then, … Continue reading

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