Tag Archives: claims

Because what the 16 percent believe should be good enough for the rest of us

Via The Daily Beast comes word of a new Gallup poll that laments that just 16 percent of Americans believe in secular Scientific evolution. Now, I have all kinds of issues with polls, but this one seems pretty fair and straightforward. … Continue reading

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Hindsight and all that

One of the modern favorite past times of a whole lot of people who know nothing more about war than what they see on TV or read on the internet is to believe the so-called definitive accounts of so-called journalists … Continue reading

Posted in Afghanistan, Current Operations, History, Iraq, Military, Nations, Osama bin Laden, People, Politics, United States, Updates, World Watch, Worldview Item of the Day | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

The theology of climate science inerrancy

A fundamental part of the debate over the nature of global climate change is the notion that scientists–because they are educated, because they have done research, and because they consulted with each other–have produced an understanding about the impact of … Continue reading

Posted in Faith, Government, Philosophy, Updates, Worldview Item of the Day | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

21:50 So, which is it

So far, Obama has claimed that the economy, social services, the environment, and health care are the most important issues of our time. McCain may not be able to do more than one thing at a time, but Obama appears … Continue reading

Posted in Economy, Elections, Government, Politics, Rhetoric, Society | Tagged , , | 1 Comment