Daily Web Roundup


The Daily Web Roundup is a collection of links to the news, commentary, and information I found interesting or useful today. If you want to read more of what is found in this post, find links to my favorite news, commentary, and information sites at Dennis L Hitzeman’s News Reading List.


Fox News | BBC News: Continued chaos in East Timor.

CNN: The brutal side of war: Marines may have killed civilians in Iraq.

     If true, this event will represent the worst atrocity committed by US Forces during their three plus years in Iraq, dwarfing Abu Ghraib, and will represent another blow to the otherwise outstanding efforts being put out by the remainder of the forces working daily to rebuild and secure that country.

     This news represents another reminder to US Forces about adhering strenuously to the Law of Armed Conflict and the UCMJ. US Forces are honorable and their honor is only defended by their actions, because the Mainstream Media and the Liberal Left will not defend that honor. The Airmen, Marines, Sailors, and Soldiers of the US Forces must remember that they are under microscopic scrutiny and that their actions will be held to account.

Fox News | CNN | BBC News: Indonesian quake kills thousands.

CNN: Vilifying the warriors: An ongoing unwillingness to accept that war is brutal and that things sometimes go terribly wrong.


Iraq the Model: Is the MSM intentionally mistranslating to support their own agenda?

TCS Daily: A powerful piece for Memorial Day.


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