Daily Archives: 29 May 2006

Bible Study for the Day: Mark 16:9-20

The testimony of the faithful became the faith of many. That is the point of the last verses of the Book of Mark. While there is some dispute as to whether these verses were part of the original or were added later to tie up the lose ends in Mark, the point really is that the teachings of these verses are in harmony with the rest of the Gospel. Continue reading

Posted in Bible Study, Faith, Mark | Leave a comment

Memorial Day 2006

Memorial Day is a hallowed and sacred day for anyone who has been touched by the lives and sacrifices of the brave men and women who have served in the Armed Forces of the United States during America’s long and storied history. It is a day filled with reminiscence, with tears, with pride, with sorrow, and with the reality of the blood shed and the lives lost to keep America strong and free. Continue reading

Posted in History, Military, Society | 2 Comments