Bible Study for the Day: Mark 12:1-27


Mark 12:1-27

“And Jesus said to them, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.””

Mark 12:17 NASB

     What exactly is Caesar’s? What exactly is God’s? These two questions cut to the heart of Jesus’ reply to the Pharisees when they asked Him about paying taxes. Their intent was to trap Jesus into saying that everything belongs to God, but that is not the answer that Jesus gave. Instead, Jesus said to give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.

     What did Jesus mean by that? We find that answer in the rest of the Gospel, where Jesus explains to all Christians what it means to follow Christ. Throughout the Gospel, Jesus explains that being a Christian means having faith in Him and His work and then living a life that reflects that faith. When we are living that life of faith, we are giving to God what is God’s, that is a contrite, believing heart, always watching for what God would have it do in life.

     As for the rest, these things are the world’s. certainly, worldly blessings also come from God, but these things are not what gets us to Heaven. So, when Caesar demands taxes, or the world takes what we have been given, what does it matter, so long as we have faith focused on Heaven?


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